The Boodle Blog

3 July

How to Secure an Instant Loan Without Hassle

How to Secure an Instant Loan Without Hassle

Sometimes, a little financial nudge is needed to get back on track, and that’s where we at Boodle step in. Our instant loan application process is designed with you in mind. It takes less than ten minutes to complete so that you can get the green light and get back to doing what you love, fast.

Unexpected monetary roadblocks, a much-needed weekend getaway with the boys, or those coveted tickets to a concert – it doesn’t matter what you need the boodle for, we are here to bridge the gap.

A Clear and Predictable Instant Loan Solution

At Boodle, we have made our instant loan applications as simplistic as possible so that in three easy steps or in the time it takes you to make a gourmet sandwich, the money will be in your account.

  • How Much Boodle Do You Need: Our SmileDial puts you in control of the amount you need. Slide the top lever to choose your perfect loan amount and the bottom lever to pick how many days you will need the loan. We are transparent, with no hidden fees and no pressure to borrow more than you can handle. As you start adjusting the levers, watch the figures below them change. This lets you see exactly what the interest amount will be based on your choices. Take control, find the amount and timeframe that fits your budget, and borrow with confidence.
  • Let us Get to Know You: A quick personal loan is just that, personal, and although you are not obliged to tell us why you need the loan, we need to make sure that you can comfortably pay it back without adding to your financial woes. We will need you to complete a simplistic questionnaire so that we can get to know you. All we need is the information relevant to your instant loan application. As the cash is required instantly, we can’t afford to delay the process by sifting through unnecessary information or having to ask for more.
  • Checking all the Boxes: At Boodle, we are all about giving you a financial boost, not a burden. That’s why we take the time to verify your information thoroughly. Once we are confident a Boodle instant loan will suit your pocket and won’t lead to stressful debt, we will present you with a personalised offer. We want to see you succeed and that’s why we take responsible lending seriously.

A Personal Loan the Boodle Way

With all the money lenders out there offering instant cash loans, why go with us at Boodle? Besides being the foremost, reputable lending company in South Africa, we:

  • Are a national registered credit provider.
  • Take privacy very seriously and will not share your details during the application process.
  • Understand the need to reach out to a human and offer the option of doing your loan application telephonically.
  • Offer continuous support, so if you are unsure about anything, you can contact the Boodle support team.
  • Are upfront and honest. With us, what you see is what you get!

We are happy we can assist you! If you pay back the amount as promised, you will earn a SmileRanking, which can be used for faster, easier loans in the future. The higher your SmileRank, the more you can lend over a longer period. Take advantage of our rewards and join our online Boodle community today.