Experience the Equinox at Chichen Itza
What do you think about when you’re in the dentist’s chair? You know when you try and distract yourself from something by thinking about something nice? So, “when the dog bites” or “when the bee stings”, Maria from The Sound of Music thinks about “bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens” and “brown paper packages tied up with string” and “cream coloured ponies”. They’re a few of her favourite things. Who knew that ponies could be cream coloured? Anyway, when I want to distract myself I think about the places I want to travel to. So when I’ve missed the bus and it’s pouring with rain I think of going to Chichen Itza.
Awe-inspiring ancient architecture
The amazing 1,500-year-old Mexican city was built by Mayans. It was one of the Mayans’ biggest cities and it shows that the Mayans were very accomplished and knowledgeable with monuments and temples. Mayan civilisation is super interesting and there is evidence of religious practices that included human sacrifice. And the most awe-inspiring feature at Chichen Itza is the Pyramid of Kukulcan. There is a phenomenon that takes place at the pyramid at this time of year that is related to an astrological event called the Equinox. Twice a year, in spring and autumn because of the position of the sun there is a day of equal day and night. In Latin equi means equal and nox is for night, so basically it means the day when night is equal to day.
Equinox at Chichen Itza
Back to the pyramid, during Spring and Autumn Equinoxes sunlight hits the huge step-like shapes of the pyramid and the shadows fall in a way that makes triangles that are joined up to make a snake. Over the day, as the light moves, the snake seems to go down the pyramid until the lowest triangle stops on a massive sculpture of a snake's head which is a representation of the god Kukulcan. Doesn't it sound like a Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones movie or something?
The Equinox around the world
It's interesting that the Equinox lines up with Christian Easter celebrations. There are also ancient pagan holidays at the times of Equinoxes. Currently this time of year has significance for many cultures and religions. It's the time of year when Jewish Passover is celebrated, and there are events happening in diverse countries such as Iran and Japan. And since we get a bunch of holidays around this time of year in South Africa, it works out nicely in terms of taking the time to make one of your bucket list trips. Don't forget we have amazing places right here in South Africa that you can get to by simply topping up with instant payday loans from Boodle.
One of these days I'm going to buy my once-in-a-lifetime trip to Chichen Itza instead of just dreaming about it at the busstop.